Caller rating for 8777130385

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after 2 votes:

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2 of 2 perceived this call as harassment.
2 of 2 received no info on caller even on demand
2 of 2 would not answer the call again

Caller info for 8777130385

Possible Owner: Ang
User interest: low
Telephone number: 877-7130385
international: 001/877 713 0385
Area Code: Toll-free telephone number - USA, Canada
Further Information: Find out
This info is supplied without liability.

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Ratings on 8777130385

  • 8777130385 rated as Ang (Date: Aug 16, 2020 3:44:26 PM)
    These are a bunch of sorry SOB's threatening me with losing my job. When asked what this was about, what company they were calling in behalf of and or any further details she became hostile. What a joke
    Perceived as Harassment, Received no information about call's cause and legitimacy.,
    Recommendation: Do not answer calls from this number.

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